Torah: Learn It, Love It, Live It as Yeshua did! 


    Welcome to Tree of Life Messianic Ministries!


    We are a multi-faceted Ministry Outreach.


We have a Prison Ministry with over 2,000 inmates on our mailing list, distributing Rabbi Mordecai Silver and Rabbi Philip Hammond's books to Correctional Institutions throughout the United States. We also offer mentorship to Prison groups and to Home Groups and offer Affiliate Status to those groups who ask. Check out our Resource page for more information..


      Mordecai's books are also available on Amazon in print format. Just go to and put in the search "Books by Rav Mordecai Silver". You can click on the link at the top "Shop Our Store".


          You can find Rabbi Hammond' book, His Perfect Grace, on Amazon as well.


      Mordecai and Philip put out a weekly Newsletter with ministry news, the weekly Torah, Haftarah, and Messianic Scripture portions, plus the weekly Torah and Haftarah portions from a traditional Jewish perspective. We also offer other information of interest. To subscribe send an email to


     Rabbi Mordecai Silver, Ph.D., and Rabbi Philip Hammond, Ph.D., work together to bring Home Groups, all over the world, together to help promote them as a shelter from the storm, for fellowship, studying the word of Abba, the Father, as given through His Son, Messiah Yeshua. Home Groups are a safe haven where you can fellowship with other like-minded Believers in Messiah Yeshua. If you have a Home Group and would like to be listed on this website send us your info to We also offer group leaders recognition as Elders as found in Scripture: Isaiah 9:15 The head is the elder and honorable man (NAU), 1 Peter 5:1 Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Messiah, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed (NAU). We will be offering classes soon, through our associate school. JSI-Judaic Studies Institute. The school is now under the leadership of Rabbi Philip Hammond, PhD., Rabbi Michelle Johns, PhD., and Rabbi Mordecai Silver, PhD. JSI's website is in development as we speak. Stay Tuned!                     





We welcome Rabbi Philip Hammond into the Tree of Life Messianic Ministries family. Check out his ministry webpage by clicking on the Australia link at the top of this page.

We extend a welcome to DMM located in Wheaton, IL. Congregational Leaders are Kelly and Rich Perez. Check them out at The Ministry Founder, Rabbi Deborah Brandt, passed away a week ago. Kelly and Rich have stepped up to move the group forward. Rich is the Senior Elder.

We also extend a warm welcome to headed by Rabbi/Professor Michelle A. Johns located in Shreveport, LA. Drop by and check it out. Rabbi/Professor Johns is a good friend and associate of Rabbi Silver. We are currently working on updating JSI-the Judaic Studies Institute, a school of learning online and through Zoom classes. We are working on the new website as we speak. We'll let you know when it's ready. Visit her website.

We also have Elder Shawn Warren located in San Tan Valley, AZ if you need to talk or share. Check him out on our Resource Page like everyone else.